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The Ultimate Reloading Manual
Wolfe Publishing Group
  • alliant reloading data
  • reloading brass
  • shotshell reloading
The Ultimate Reloading Manual


1. How do I search for loads? has a powerful search engine that allows you to search by caliber, bullet weight, powder type, or a combination of all three. Let's say you just inherited several cases of Hodgdon H-4831, just type it into the powder type field, and you will get every load in the database using that powder. If a shotgun uses the same powder as your pistol, it will bring up both in the powder type search. You can also search by powder manufacturer. This search will bring up every load for every powder they make. Be aware that this list is very extensive and could take a long time to come up. The best way to search for loads is to start out broadly and then refine the search to what you want. For example, in the caliber search box type .30-06. This will bring up every load that we have in the database on the .30-06. Look through the list, see what you like, and then refine the search further. Let's say you want to search for a load in the .30-06 using a 180-grain Barnes X with Hodgdon's H-4831 powder.

  • In the caliber search box type: .30-06
  • In the bullet weight box type: 180
  • In the powder type box type: H-4831

This will bring up every load in the database using the combination above. Now we may have 50 loads using a variety of 180-grain bullets. All 180-grain bullets are considered the same for loading purposes. They may not all perform the same, but the data is the same. If you have any questions on the search engine, please email us at

2. What do I do if I can't find the load I am looking for?

If you do not find a specific caliber, please email us at We will do our best to find data on that caliber and get it online. Most requests are answered within 48 hours. If we have the data in house, we usually get it online within two weeks.

3. How do I become a member?

Click the signup button on the top menu bar. Choose the plan you are interested in. We also offer Internet access so if you are unhappy with your current Internet provider, you can switch to our service. If you do not wish to change Internet providers, you can choose the LoadData only button. Once you agree to our user agreement, you will be directed to a secure sign up page where you choose your username and password. If you have any questions regarding our database, please email us at

4. How much does LoadData cost?

A membership to costs $34.95 a year. As data is entered and services are increased, the price may go up. Once you are signed up at a rate, you will not have an increase in rates as long as you stay an active subscriber. Once you let your subscription lapse, you may not be able to join again at the same rate.

5. How does the site remember our username and password?

We remember that you are a valid user to by placing a cookie on your computer. This is how our site validates you as an active subscriber. Also it eliminates others from logging in on your username and password. If two people try to use the site at the same time the site will deny access.

6. What are cookies and are they dangerous?

Cookies are not dangerous. They are a reference item that is placed on your computer hard drive. As you surf, our site looks for that cookie. If you have the cookie, it allows you to surf the site. If you don't have the cookie, you can't surf the site and you will have to offer your username and password again. Our cookies end when you log off the site.

7. What is the advantage of becoming a member?

Membership has its privileges. While nonmembers get to see some of the pages on our site to give them a taste of what we have to offer, only members have access to all the reloading information, complete articles and back issues posted on the site, discounts on all products we have to offer including reloading products, and a nice three ring binder to hold your favorite loads. This way you can print out your loads and keep them in your own reloading manual at your bench.