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The Ultimate Reloading Manual
Wolfe Publishing Group
  • alliant reloading data
  • reloading brass
  • shotshell reloading
The Ultimate Reloading Manual


.35 Remington (IMR Pistol Data Maximum Loads)

.35 Remington (IMR Pistol Data Maximum Loads)
Warning! Notes: case: Remington; barrel length: 14"; twist: 1:16"; trim length: 1.910"; primer: Federal 210; NEVER EXCEED MAXIMUM LOADS
Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data.
Wt. Bullet Powder Manufacturer Powder Charge Velocity (FPS)
158 Hornady JFP IMR IMR-4064 Subscribe 1925
Remarks: compressed load; bullet diam.: .357"; COL: 2.300"; 32,600 cup
158 Hornady JFP IMR IMR-4895 Subscribe 1975
Remarks: bullet diam.: .357"; COL: 2.300"; 34,700 cup
158 Hornady JFP IMR IMR-3031 Subscribe 2030
Remarks: compressed load; bullet diam.: .357"; COL: 2.300"; 34,500 cup
170 Sierra FMJ IMR IMR-4064 Subscribe 1850
Remarks: bullet diam.: .357"; COL: 2.405"; 35,000 cup
170 Sierra FMJ IMR IMR-4895 Subscribe 1920
Remarks: bullet diam.: .357"; COL: 2.405"; 34,100 cup
170 Sierra FMJ IMR IMR-3031 Subscribe 1985
Remarks: compressed load; bullet diam.: .357"; COL: 2.405"; 33,700 cup
250 Speer SP IMR IMR-4064 Subscribe 1610
Remarks: bullet diam.: .358"; COL: 2.800"; 34,800 cup
250 Speer SP IMR IMR-3031 Subscribe 1620
Remarks: bullet diam.: .358"; COL: 2.800"; 35,000 cup