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The Ultimate Reloading Manual
Wolfe Publishing Group
  • alliant reloading data
  • reloading brass
  • shotshell reloading
The Ultimate Reloading Manual


.223 Remington (Handloader issue #335)

.223 Remington (Handloader issue #335)
Warning! Rifle: DPMS Arctic Panther; Barrel Length: 24 inches; Twist: 1:9; COAL: 2.230 inches; 5-shot 100-yard group: .450 inch. Accuracy is the average of five, 5-shot groups. Velocities were chronographed at 10 feet with an Oehler 35P. Source: Handloader December/January 2022 issue #335.
Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data.
Wt. Bullet Powder Manufacturer Powder Charge Velocity (FPS)
80 Sierra MatchKing Alliant TS 15.5 Subscribe 2795
Remarks: this load is near maximum, starting load should be reduced by 10 percent