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The Ultimate Reloading Manual
Wolfe Publishing Group
  • alliant reloading data
  • reloading brass
  • shotshell reloading
The Ultimate Reloading Manual


.222 Remington (Handloader issue #336)

.222 Remington (Handloader issue #336)
Warning! A Blaser R8 Ultimate .222 Remington with a 22.8-inch barrel (1:14 twist) and a Swarovski Z6(i) 2.5-15x 44mm scope was used to test all loads. All powder charges were maximum or close to it in the test rifle and should be reduced for starting loads in other rifles. Norma brass and Federal Gold Medal 205M primers were used throughout. COAL: 2.130 inches. Accuracy is the average of three groups. Velocities are the average of five shots chronographed at 10 feet. Source: Handloader February/March 2022 issue #336.
Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data.
Wt. Bullet Powder Manufacturer Powder Charge Velocity (FPS)
52 Nosler Custom Competition HPBT IMR IMR-4198 Subscribe 2758
Remarks: extreme spread (fps): 97; 3-Shot 100-Yard Group (inches): .630
52 Nosler Custom Competition HPBT IMR IMR-8208 XBR Subscribe 2895
Remarks: extreme spread (fps): 57; 3-Shot 100-Yard Group (inches): 1.033
52 Nosler Custom Competition HPBT Hodgdon H-322 Subscribe 2863
Remarks: extreme spread (fps): 31; 3-Shot 100-Yard Group (inches): .954
52 Nosler Custom Competition HPBT Hodgdon Benchmark Subscribe 2910
Remarks: extreme spread (fps): 44; 3-Shot 100-Yard Group (inches): .523
52 Nosler Custom Competition HPBT Hodgdon CFE 223 Subscribe 3073
Remarks: extreme spread (fps): 85; 3-Shot 100-Yard Group (inches): .714