It's The Bullet Stupid
Date: Sep 29 2006
Before you waste hours tweaking variations in powder, primer or elaborate case preparation to find a hyper-accurate load, look to the bullet. Bullets are the major contributor to accuracy (discounting the barrel). No amount of fiddling with powder charges or cases can compensate for an unbalanced bullet.
How do you find good bullets? Start with reputation. If many others swear by them rather than at them, maybe you should investigate? So assemble two or three samples in the style (big game, varmint, etc.) and size you desire, then load all with an average charge of average powder for your cartridge. Pay attention to Most Accurate Loads marked in loading manuals. Load five of each bullet and shoot for group. Of course, you want to be certain your rifle is accurate, scope tight, barrel clean, etc. But if that’s all kosher, merely note which five bullets produced the best group. Test this bullet again against two or three more if not satisfied. Then take the most accurate of the bunch and begin tweaking seating depth to see if that improves accuracy further. Then move on to different powders, primers, neck turning, flash-hole deburring and similar, less significant improvements. You should find great accuracy with minimum expense and work.