Lyman Case Prep Multi-Tool Product Review
Date: May 18 2018
As all handloaders know, the most interesting of components – the cartridge case – requires a certain amount of care. For those who are attentive to case needs, a look around their reloading benches will usually reveal a number of tools or accessories for case preparation. Chances are good that each tool was purchased separately.
For some time I have used a Lyman Case Prep Multi-Tool, that incorporates a two-part anodized aluminum handle that holds inside and outside deburring tools, large and small primer pocket cleaners and large and small primer pocket reamers. A set of instructions are also included.
The handle assembly is about 5 inches long, 7/8 inch in diameter and of a copper-like color. Each end is about 2½ inches long when assembled. The male end has a threaded section of about ¼ inch; the female end is, of course, threaded to receive it. Each section is knurled for about 1½ inches of its length, and the outer end of each section is drilled and tapped to accept the included accessories, as well as any others with 8x32 threads.
The pocket cleaners are of the scraper type. The primer pocket reamers are a somewhat hexagonal-shaped with six cutting surfaces designed to remove any vestiges of a military crimp and bevel the leading edge of the primer pocket. The outside deburring tool is also standard with a centering rod and three angled cutting surfaces to gently remove any burrs left from the case trimming process. The inside deburring tool, on the other hand, has its six cutting surfaces ground at a 22-degree angle rather than the more traditional 45 degrees. This milder angle is referred to as VLD (Very Low Drag) and is preferred for that type of bullet design. It works well for all bullets, and makes bullet entry into the case much smoother than with the standard design.
In use, I found the Case Prep Multi-Tool to be very functional. Once I had unscrewed the handle halves and removed the case prep accessories, I found it easier to simply use one half of the handle by itself rather than reassemble the two together. When using the two deburring tools, it was quicker and easier to use one, put it down and pick up the other rather than rotate the assembled handle with the two deburring tools.
A word of caution regarding the VLD inside deburring tool. While it works perfectly, it is sharp and if used injudiciously can easily result in more case mouth being removed than necessary. I highly recommend it for use on cases that are not to be crimped. For cases that are to be crimped, I prefer the regular 45-degree inside deburring tool as it does not thin the brass as much and will do a better job of preventing premature case neck splitting. Both deburring tools are designed to be used with any cases from .17 to .45 caliber.
I also found that many other tools would readily attach to the handles. Bore brushes used to scrub the inside of case necks were a natural and worked perfectly.
Both the primer pocket cleaners and reamers have been used on large and small primer pockets. They all worked without a hitch. The large reamer has also been used on both rifle and handgun cases. Large pistol and rifle primers are a different height, and their primer pockets are a different depth. Since reamers are not designed to scrape the pocket bottoms, a single tool works for both pockets.
While all of the case prep tools and accessories can be purchased separately, having them all together with a single set of handles is a very nice touch.
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